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Welcome to the Dandy Gator

I am so excited you are visiting my site today. In the Fall of 2020 I launched The Dandy Gator which specializes in homemade jams and jellies, some of which you can't typically find at your local supermarket. I created TDG so we could be a part of new memories and bring back old ones for all of our customers.

The Taste of Gator Tales

Each product tells a story about Florida. One bite can pull the thread of a memory. Muscadine jelly sits sweet on the tongue revealing the reverence found in the songs written about it. A taste of strawberry rhubarb jam spread on toast gives a snowbird a bittersweet hint of home. The smell of citrus and a chill linger in the air, Florida's winter citrus season yields a bountiful crop with which to celebrate the holidays. The wind blows through the palm trees, sweet guava jelly  provides a reprieve from the salt and heat in the air.

All of our products are made during the growing season of the fruit to make sure we have the best quality possible. TDG is always working on new recipes year to offer once they have been perfected. 

A Swamp Sweetie

Hello, I'm Ashlee, the President of The Dandy Gator. I was born, raised, attended college, married and had my 3 children all in Florida. I am originally from the southern part of the state just about in the Everglades. No surprise there with our mascot being an alligator. I am a self-taught jelly maker, who started perfecting her craft making homemade jellies, jams and fruit butters 11 years ago. The Dandy Gator's headquarters are located in Central Florida, which has been my home for the last 17 years. Prior to becoming the President of The Dandy Gator I was a stay-at-home mom, worked for global corporations and even a start up company as a political consultant. My favorite part of my day to day was always the satisfaction of a happy customer and with The Dandy Gator I hope to recreate that with all of our customers all while providing a tasty treat.  
Kind Regards, 

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